
Miranda July’s latest novel, “All Fours,” has sparked conversations among women over 40 who are reevaluating their marriages and family lives. The story follows a 45-year-old woman who breaks away from her routine life to explore desire and freedom by engaging in an open marriage and questioning traditional relationship norms.

Women who have read the book are forming whisper networks to discuss their own desires and frustrations, inspired by the main character’s journey of self-discovery. The novel has prompted many to reflect on their happiness in their current relationships and consider alternative ways of living and loving.

Caitlin Delohery, a 43-year-old writer and content consultant from Portland, Oregon, shared how the book resonated with her and her friends in long-term relationships. They have been engaging in deep conversations about the possibilities of creating space within monogamous relationships to have unique experiences without feeling confined by traditional partnership dynamics.

The discussions around “All Fours” have opened up a dialogue among women about their hidden fantasies and the limitations they feel within their current relationships. By sharing their true desires and frustrations, they are exploring new ways of approaching intimacy and connection with their partners.

Overall, Miranda July’s novel has sparked a movement of self-reflection and exploration among women, encouraging them to reconsider their ideas of marriage, family life, and personal fulfillment. It has inspired a generation of readers to challenge societal norms and embrace a more authentic and liberated way of living and loving.