No train services between Lier and Aarschot
No train services between Lier and Aarschot

Liters / Centrum –

in Between Lier and Aarschot away Thursday morning, no trains, and after a high-loaded truck and the power lines at a grade crossing in Booischot shot.

There are vervangbussen deposited and, to the extent possible, trains will be rerouted. In the case of an accident at Booischot it happened at around 7.40 pm. Infrabelwoordvoerder, Frédéric Petit, says that in the affected there “for some time” it may take a while. The connection of Lier-Aarschot, situated on the line, Leuven, belgium, Antwerp terminals.

Thursday morning ride, no train services between Essen and the Floor. There was a car that had been vastgereden at a railroad crossing, hit by a freight train.

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