A woman from an Indonesian village sets off for work. But she never comes back.

In Indonesia, a woman was eaten by a snake, reports “t-online”. A mother of four children, who had previously been reported missing, fell victim to a five-meter-long reticulated python. The giant snake reportedly swallowed her body completely.

The 45-year-old woman was reported missing on Thursday evening. When she did not return home, her husband and the villagers started a search. During the course of the search on Friday, the searchers first came across personal belongings belonging to the missing woman and shortly afterwards a snake with a noticeably large belly.

The search team then decided to open up the reptile. This is when they made a discovery: in the animal’s stomach they found the woman’s body, which had been completely swallowed by the giant snake. The python had eaten the woman along with her clothes.

Although humans are not part of the diet of reticulated pythons and they mostly eat birds and smaller animals, there have already been several similar incidents in Indonesia. In 2022, the “Stern” reported on a woman who was eaten by a reticulated python on her way to work. After a search, the police, with the help of the family, found a snake that was bloated in the middle. This snake had also eaten the body of an adult woman.

Another incident occurred in 2018. Back then, a woman was also the victim of a seven-meter-long snake, according to a report in the “FAZ”. The woman just wanted to go to her vegetable garden, but never came back. In this case, too, a search party found a bloated snake. According to the police, it was eaten head first.

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