Nutritional study Between monkey bread tree and break snack
Nutritional study Between monkey bread tree and break snack

the other day would have been sitting Maike fine man in the Kenyan place in the living, almost. In the past few days, it had a lot of rain – the ground was muddy, the dirt roads are not passable. Without native driver, you and your project Manager would have had no possibility of their research in the surrounding villages continue. Both examine the consumption of so-called Baobab-fruit, monkey bread tree fruit called, of children. Christina Steinbach and Diana rower, however, it doesn’t matter if it’s raining outside or the sun is shining. They spend their working day mostly in the Dry: While Steinbach travels through Germany, in order to advise companies in the promotion of health, taking care of rower at a Snack manufacturer to quality standards. Nutrition scientists all of them – and, thus, protagonists of a more bread-free or never gefragteren compartment? Now, in times of vegetarian, vegan, or otherwise consistent diet.

Who studied nutritional Sciences, the numerous options are open: He can research how to Maike a man, advise businesses how Christina Steinbach, quality manage as Diana rower – with a scientific degree in the bag, the trail leads not automatically to a practice for nutritional advice. “Currently, the situation on the labour market,” says Andrea Lambeck, managing Director of the professional Association for nutritional Sciences (VDOE). “Graduates of a food science degree can choose the Jobs.” The Association counts every year the Vacancies that suit its skilled graduates. To rise “year by year, the number,” says Lambeck.

nutritionists found along the entire value chain: from harvesting of the raw material and its processing through to marketing of the product. Especially in quality management and quality assurance in the food industry as well as in Marketing and product development graduates are in demand. This is also true for jobs in the Catering or canteens, also in lobbying or the promotion of health in the case of ministries, institutions or associations. Also PR agencies are looking for nutritional experts and universities to new teaching staff.

A lot of natural science

so Who decides for the food research, mostly hits on two different stand-alone courses of study: firstly, there is the Nutritional what is for household and nutritional Sciences. is The study at universities of applied Sciences and at universities is possible and the nature and includes scientific, medical, sociological and economic subjects. For basic studies in physiology, chemistry, food technology as well as business administration and Economics are for the most part. Depending on the course offer dietetics, counseling, teaching, communication, Controlling or process technology are on the schedule. The second degree in the nutritional Sciences, which deal primarily with the scientific processes of nutrition, digestion and metabolism.

While the study is aimed at universities in Giessen, Bonn and Kiel, scientific, universities of applied Sciences both study programmes often with a higher proportion of Practical training. Universities of applied Sciences are to be found throughout the country, for instance in Fulda, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of applied Sciences or Hamburg. While it was in the year 2004, approximately 1100 graduates of the household and nutrition Sciences, 2012, more than 1500, such as from a survey of Graduates of the professional Association of VDL on the Basis of data from the Federal Statistical office. Over the years, the proportion of female graduates was consistently around 90 percent. In the winter semester 2016/17 were enrolled at the universities and the colleges, respectively, approximately 4500 students for a course of study with a focus on nutrition.