
A man named Judd Sanson was arrested near LaGuardia International Airport in Queens, New York, for possessing a huge cache of weapons and NYPD uniform items. The police found a 9mm Glock handgun, loaded magazines, ammunition, body armor, handcuffs, a stun gun, knives, a sword, a whip, baton, and axes in his possession. Additionally, a Guy Fawkes mask, an MTA vest, and an NYPD bulletproof vest were also recovered. Sanson’s lawyer, Thomas Montella, stated that this was primarily a gun case at his arraignment, but Sanson was sent to Rikers Island without bail.

District Attorney Dylan Nesturrick commended the police for averting a potential disaster by apprehending Sanson. Investigators are now delving into Sanson’s social media accounts to uncover his motives. A disturbing photo was found on his Facebook page, and the authorities are looking for more clues to determine his intentions. Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz emphasized the need to thoroughly investigate Sanson’s social media activity, computer usage, and overall intent given the array of weapons found in his possession.

The recovered baton had troubling inscriptions that raised concerns about Sanson’s mental state. While terrorism charges are not currently part of the case, the investigation is ongoing, especially due to the language used by Sanson. Despite not having a gun license, Sanson had a lockbox at his father’s home with a weapon that has not been located yet.

Former New York Homeland Security adviser Michael Balboni highlighted the importance of scrutinizing Sanson’s social media interactions to identify any potential ties to extremist groups or plans related to transportation networks. The authorities are also looking into Sanson’s background for any history of violence or prior criminal activities involving weapons. Balboni stressed the significance of following the facts and evidence before making conclusions about Sanson’s intentions.

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have not provided any comments on their involvement in the investigation. The situation remains under scrutiny as authorities continue to unravel Sanson’s motives and connections. The need for a thorough examination of Sanson’s social media presence and background underscores the importance of proactive measures to prevent potential threats to public safety.