
New York City Mayor Eric Adams expressed his support for reinstating a mask ban in the city, specifically in places like subways, protests, and other non-health related areas to address the issue of crime. He emphasized that “cowards cover their faces” and suggested that implementing a mask ban could help reduce criminal behavior.

Adams highlighted the importance of proper implementation of the mask ban, stating that it could lead to a decrease in hateful acts occurring in the city. He urged protesters to express their beliefs without hiding behind masks, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability.

The mayor’s stance aligns with Governor Kathy Hochul’s consideration of a mask ban to address crime and hate crimes in the state. Adams expressed his strong support for Hochul’s proposal and emphasized the importance of taking action swiftly to address the rising crime rates in the city.

In addition to addressing crime, Adams pointed out the historical association of covering one’s face while committing criminal acts. He drew parallels to past instances where individuals used hoods to conceal their identities while engaging in harmful behavior.

Overall, Adams’ support for the mask ban reflects a proactive approach to addressing crime and promoting accountability in public spaces. By encouraging transparency and discouraging individuals from hiding behind masks, he aims to create a safer environment for all residents in New York City.