
A man named Yohenry Brito, who is originally from Venezuela, was arrested once again after being released on bail for assaulting two New York City police officers in Times Square. This time, he was arrested for serial theft at Sephora makeup stores in Manhattan. Brito, along with an accomplice, stole fragrances and merchandise worth over $1,300.

The police union expressed relief that Brito was back behind bars, emphasizing that individuals like him have no respect for the law and pose a threat to public safety. Prior to this incident, Brito was involved in at least three other thefts, both before and after the assault on the police officers in Times Square.

In the previous assault case, Brito was part of a group of seven migrants who attacked the officers when asked to move along the street. Five of them were charged with assault on a police officer and obstructing a governmental investigation but were released without bail. One of the accused individuals, Jhoan Boada, was later found innocent as he was not involved in the crime.

Brito was initially released along with other asylum seekers but was taken back into custody due to public outcry. Despite having pending misdemeanor theft cases, he was released again after a minister posted his bond. However, Brito was arrested once more for attempting to steal from Macy’s after his release.

During a court appearance, the judge warned Brito that any further arrests would result in high bail and no chance of release. Currently, Brito is being held on a $50,000 cash bond for the Times Square police assault case due to his latest arrests. The cycle of arrests and releases highlights the challenges in dealing with repeat offenders and the complexities of the justice system.