
Following President Biden’s decision not to seek a second term, there has been an outpouring of support for Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris. Former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama have now joined in endorsing Harris in a new campaign video. In the video, the Obamas express their pride in Harris and their commitment to doing everything they can to help her become the next President of the United States.

Former President Obama warmly greets Harris in the video, with Michelle echoing his sentiments. Michelle Obama expresses her pride in Harris and calls the moment historic. The Obamas both pledge their full support to Harris and emphasize the importance of rallying behind her candidacy.

Harris, who has been dubbed a “happy warrior” by Obama, is seen as a strong contender for the Democratic presidential nomination following Biden’s withdrawal from the race. The endorsement from the Obamas comes at a crucial time as Harris kicks off a Weekend of Action leading up to Election Day.

In addition to the Obamas’ endorsement, Harris has garnered support from various labor unions, advocacy groups, and Democratic officials. The momentum behind her campaign is growing, with calls for unity and action to ensure her success in the upcoming election.

Michelle Obama emphasizes the collective effort required to support Harris’s candidacy, urging Americans to register and vote. She stresses that the responsibility lies not just with Harris and her husband, but with all citizens to come together and make a difference.

Overall, the endorsement from the Obamas adds significant weight to Harris’s campaign and underscores the importance of unity and active participation in the democratic process. As Election Day approaches, the support for Harris continues to strengthen, setting the stage for a closely watched and highly anticipated election.