Subletting your apartment for the 2024 European Championships – theoretically, you could make money that way. But in most cases, this “source of income” quickly dries up again.

The European Championship is just around the corner and will attract numerous guests from many parts of Europe to Germany. It seems like a good idea to sublet your apartment or a room to football fans and earn a little extra money.

In general, apartments can be sublet according to §553 BGB. Prerequisite: It must be approved by the landlord and stated in the rental agreement.

Another requirement is that there must be a legitimate interest in subletting. This can be for financial reasons, for example, if you can no longer afford the apartment on your own and can only pay the rent with a subtenant.

But: As a rule, permission to sublet only covers a permanent and not a constantly changing tenancy. In concrete terms, this means: Even if your landlord has allowed you to sublet the apartment or parts of it, you cannot assume that this also includes football fans who change daily.

If you sublet your rental apartment during the European Championships without the landlord’s consent, you risk immediate termination after receiving a warning. You should therefore think carefully about whether you want to take the risk if the landlord does not agree to your plan.

If you have the landlord’s permission, there is generally no minimum rental period required. In theory, you can also rent for short periods, for example to students or fitters.

Important: Tourist overnight stays by holidaymakers and therefore also by European Championship guests are not included in subletting. Rentals to tourists are usually subject to strict regulations from the local authorities.

Many cities have so-called misuse statutes with maximum time limits or approval requirements for short-term rentals. If you violate these regulations, you face fines in the five-figure range. In short: tourist subletting to fans is not permitted for the 2024 European Championships.