The unexpected news of the return of Kim Clijsters by surprise on Thursday with everyone. They are there for a long time it was as a result of the smooth and organised way in which the news was unveiled in a post on her Instagrampagina with a very special video, for a pr agency in the media, subsequently had call to a conferencecall, and a detailed response to her husband, Bryan, later in the evening, through the press agency Belga.
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Photo: REUTERSjust a day after the announcement, looking to Kim Clijsters again, the relaxed and friendly atmosphere. “Kim has been the effort made to keep everyone in the know,” says her manager, Bob Laes. “At a given point in time should you ever begin to communicate. For example, there are also the anti-doping regulations which must be taken into account. If you ‘ re in the competition and would like to take part, you need to let us know. It was just the right time for it to come out.”
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According to Kim, the idea of her making a comeback at the Australian Open at the beginning of this year, after having a conversation with a family of her own. That’s the news in the months following uitlekte, it is worthy of note. “The inner circle knew about it. But how many people do? Since I’m not going to go into that,” says the manager.
According to the Laes will Before the next few weeks, lots of focus on the family, and training. “In november, we will have the balance sheet to be drawn up. But for now, we ask for respect for her to rest. They will continue training and we will be able to see it when it’s ready.”
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in the Meantime, also look out for a documentary on the comeback of Kim Clijsters. Production company of The People in april, has already been contacted to make her return to the track. Of course, there’s already been interest from home and abroad, but where and when is the result going to be, it is still not clear.
SEE ALSO. As a punishment, it is the return of Kim Clijsters to: from Iceland to Cuba, to Chile, to Australia, the whole world is talking about it:
find out More about Kim’s Mom’s witness is this: “pay Attention to Kim, these are the pitfalls you should sportmama work with you to make a comeback” Clijsters is inspiring! Tatiana Golovin announced back in tenniscircuit to go to… eleven-year absence from the sport, the politics, the business world, for the comebackers will remain the top sites, “They will always feel the itch” Well Alison Van Uytvanck, believes Kim Clijsters: “The big question is whether or not her body can handle it”