A student at a secondary school in Bavaria sprayed “fart spray” in the school toilet. Ten students suffered from nausea and stomach pains.

Unusual rescue operation at a secondary school in Rosenheim: Shortly after 12 noon, the police were called because several students complained of eye irritation, nausea and stomach pain, as the “Oberbayerische Volksblatt” reports.

According to the report, a student is said to have sprayed the contents of a spray can in the school toilet onto other students who were also in the toilet at the time.

The contents of the can, which according to “OVB” were based on chili or other active ingredients, caused eye irritation, nausea and stomach pain in ten students who were in the toilet. The sprayed contents of the can also caused a strong foul smell due to the chemical effect.

As a spokesman for the Upper Bavaria South Police Headquarters explained to “rosenheim24.de”, the cause was a student prank. A so-called “fart spray” was sprayed.

The students were examined on school premises and, according to “OVB”, were all released on site. It was not necessary to hospitalize the injured students.

The Rosenheim police have launched an investigation against at least one student for grievous bodily harm.

Last year, a “fart spray” caused chaos at a school in the USA. As “rtl.de” reported, 14 students were injured, six had to go to hospital, and the school was closed for days. “You had terrible headaches, like a pounding. Many students felt sick, they said they were going to faint. They were coughing and couldn’t breathe,” one student described the effect of the spray.

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