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The number of failures in the driving test has reached a new record high. A driving instructor now reveals why he thinks this is the case. 

Everyone who has a driving license still remembers the day of the test well – in some cases reluctantly. Because more and more students are failing the driving test. A driving instructor is now sharing a video on TikTok in which he reveals the “top three reasons” why, in his opinion, student drivers do not pass the practical driving test. 

According to him, the fact that the learner drivers fail in practice is mainly due to the fact that they “drive too fast into a town”, “do not stop properly at a stop sign” and “do not turn right before left”. “Look in the street.” 

Users share their experiences with the driving test in the comments. One user remembers: “I was just panicking and had the really great idea of ​​trying to correct myself between two cars after I was crooked while parking forward.”

Another user confesses: “My problem is that I miss signs because I don’t concentrate enough.”

The user doesn’t seem to be alone in this, because according to TÜV, more and more people in Germany are failing the driving test. The TÜV association, which relies on surveys by “TÜV | DEKRA arge tp 21” reports that around 30 percent in Germany failed the practical driving test last year. That is four percent more than in 2014. 

This development also worries the TÜV. “If we want to stop this development, we have to improve the quality of driving training through modern learning methods and targeted test preparation,” says Richard Goebelt, head of the vehicle and mobility department at the TÜV Association. 

A strange incident recently occurred during a theory test. A 50-year-old examinee cheated on the driving test with a talk button in his ear and a camera. But the fraud was noticed. 

In the Erzgebirgskreis, around 1,000 Ukrainian refugees are urgently looking for accommodation. A letter from the district office asks them to vacate their current apartments by mid-June.

A video shows young people chanting “foreigners out” while partying outside a club. The video is widely shared on social media. There are consequences for the first people in the video. Racist incidents also occurred in other places in Germany. All developments in the ticker.