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A video shows young people chanting “foreigners out” while partying outside a club. The video, which is said to be a few days old, has been widely shared on social media. The right-wing extremist trend behind it dates back to 2023. Now the operator of the club is drawing conclusions.

To the tune of “L’Amour toujours” by the Italian DJ Gigi D’Agostino, young people, both men and women, sing “Germany for the Germans, foreigners out”. They celebrate, drink alcohol and one even gives a Hitler salute while holding his other hand in front of his face in the style of a mustache made famous by Adolf Hitler. The mood is exuberant.

The video, which was widely shared on social media on Thursday, is said to be a few days old. The trend of shouting right-wing extremist lyrics to the song in question is not new; it was already observed in 2023. According to reports, the video is said to be real. According to the newspaper “ Schwäbische ” it has been shared since Tuesday afternoon and is said to have been recorded in front of the Pony Club on Sylt, a nightclub. In the video it seems as if it was recorded with the consent of the celebrants or even by one of them themselves.

The reactions to X are overwhelming. “With a Hitler beard and bubbly, but no ‘foreigners’. Sylt. 2024. On the day we celebrate the Basic Law…” writes moderator Dunya Hayali. Dr. Niema Movassat, left-wing politician and lawyer writes: “Here the German upper class on Sylt is celebrating by calling foreigners out. Absolutely disgusting. Show what is possible in 2024 without being ashamed. We have known since 1933 that the German upper class has always had a penchant for fascism.”

“Enjoyable racist disinhibitions allegedly presented at the ‘Pony Club’ in Kampen/Sylt – Is there a lifelong ban from the Pony Club and is the SH_Police investigating? And what do the partners and sponsors of the Krombacher Schweppes club etc. say about this?” asks the Amadeu Antonio Foundation.

The Pony Club itself provides the answer to one of the questions on Instagram. “Dear friends, we also just saw the post and are deeply shocked. We distance ourselves from any kind of racism and discrimination,” says one post.

And further: “Every guest, regardless of ethnicity, is welcome here. Our loyal guests and friends who visit us year after year also know this. We are proud of our diversity. If we had known about this incident, we would of course have expelled the guests in question from the house. There is no place for racism!!!”

The club has a message for everyone who sings along in the video. “All those who recognize themselves singing in this video… You are banned from our house!” The club was also given the names of the people taking part. The club will “report the disgusting behavior and use all criminal law options,” the club writes in another story on Instagram.

It is not known whether there have already been complaints against the celebrants for using unconstitutional license plates. The press office of the responsible Flensburg police department could not be reached upon request on Thursday evening, reports “T-Online”. The police department in Westerland apparently did not want to release any information when asked by the medium.