Order coach in an Interview order is the rhythm and structure
Order coach in an Interview order is the rhythm and structure

woman in Haguenau, you have a folder called “miscellaneous” ?

Bernd Freytag

Economics reporter for the Rhein-Neckar-Saar, with its headquarters in Ludwigshafen, Germany.

F. A. Z.

no, because I would be a bad example.

you are self-employed order trainer, help to make other people okay. Can the self that is not?

The reason, of course. But there are a lot of people, where the pulse is missing, it accumulates more and more, the mess is bigger, the pressure increases. This is a Problem, often a time.

How did you get to your job?

I know, as a trained librarian on how to get systematized and things cataloged. I’m also still working part-time in the art historical scientific library of the Stiftung Saarländischer Kulturbesitz. But since 2004, I’m also self-employed order trainer. The got so. Lectures in adult education, help for friends and Acquaintances, which is always growing more.

What exactly do you offer?

I still think lectures and advise people how you create order. I’ll come over and help clean up. Office, kitchen, Garage, if necessary, I’ll take care of that as well.

Who are your customers?

I would say a third of the self-employed, doctor’s offices, law firms. Two Thirds Of Them Are Private. More women than men. Often it begins with papers for the tax return, the threshold is at its lowest. Kitchen cabinets come later.

And how are you?

There are not the System, which can be any slipping. Each person is different. The most important three things, the rhythm, the structure and the feel-good effect.


Yes, I try to avoid the word discipline. Rhythm means, it is necessary to develop a regularity. Every Thursday I attend a two-hour papers, the works. People need repetition to learn something. 30 times until it fits, I psychologists not quote here, it’s the only way.

First, he must know how to proceed.

Exactly the structure. Each thing has its place, that’s about it.

This is not so easy. We make it specific – folder: sort by topic or chronologically?

it Works both ways. If someone sorted a vintage folder for 2019 and all supporting documents in a row, it can be good. Even then, each thing has its place. He then needs to search in case of doubt, a warranty document is longer, because he knows the date of purchase. But if it works for him, then that’s good.

How do you keep it yourself?

Thematically, then chronologically. New papers in the front, not the rear.

How it looks with the cabinets in the kitchen?

the same to the Same. Disconnect storage boxes of dishes. You put old cans to the front, new to back. In the case of kitchen customers do harder, because sometimes expired food find, which is often embarrassing. But if you look at the end in a tidy compartment, offers. If the customers want it, do I even have before and after photos.

Check later whether the System works?

no, I’ve already made via Skype cleanup discussions, but I’m not a control calls. Order is not a state, but a process that you have to learn as I said. Remember, 30 repetitions are needed until it fits.

What is the meaning of the feel-good effect?

Make it beautiful. Beautiful folders that don’t squeak, good lighting at the Desk. If order is fun, it falls easier. You Can Use Colors. Blue folder for finances, a green dot on the broom for the garden. The kitchen gets a red.