A director has to be the parents of her students are prohibited to use their mobile phone to play on the playground. “It breaks my heart when I have children, for their parents to see, to walk, and their radius ignore it,” says Wendy Cathie from the Uk-Leigh. “The children’s playground is a mobile-free zone.”
The headmistress, the decision to participate on Facebook. “How many of you are in the middle of a conversation on your cell phone that you forget to get your child to greet or hug to share? I’m sure we all have done it,” said Cathie.
“It’s always fun to see the kids at the end of the school day and is excited to see it because they’re at home. After a long day, you can see the parents that brought them up, laugh with their teeth exposed, run up to them and start talking with them before the parents allow them to with all the noise they can hear. Beautiful. However, please remember that the time to meet with you, your child, someone to talk to. Talking to them has had an enormous influence on the development of their language and it stimulates their brain as well. As their intelligence grows, their vocabulary increases and they develop a curiosity, and critical thinking. Let’s take our school to have a mobile-free zone.”
“It breaks my heart to see parents with their kids sometimes ignore them, because they are using their mobile phones to be engaged,” said the head of the order in the British press. “Sometimes, they say, not even hello, and they just leave.”