Parliamentary assistantnbsp systegraveme charge agrave Bruxelles
Parliamentary assistantnbsp systegraveme charge agrave Bruxelles

Of the various investigations on the system of parliamentary assistants, european and the misuse that could be made by some French political parties of the european funds, for the national Rally (ex-FN) is the most advanced. It is also the most ancient. The preliminary inquiry had been opened in march 2015 by the public prosecutor of Paris for breach of confidence after termination of the services of the european Parliament. At the same time, the european anti-fraud Office had been brought in to work on the case of 29 wizards of 23 deputies frontistes.

On December 15, 2016, the public prosecutor of Paris decided to open a judicial inquiry, entrusted to several judges. Fifteen people are now put into consideration, first and foremost the president of the party, Marine Le Pen, who is now formally a cause for ” diversion of public funds “.

Damage estimated at seven million euros

Strong testimonies and documents overwhelming, the investigators have acquired the certainty that the far-right party had set up a fraud scheme aimed at salarier fictitiously of parliamentary assistants in the european Parliament while they were working in fact for the party. The Parliament estimated his loss at nearly 7 million euros.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon has not the monopoly of the ruckus during the raid. On February 16, 2017, while the police anti-corruption were made in the premises of the headquarters of the FN in Nanterre, they were greeted rather freshly. Marine Le Pen was, as his right arm then Florian Philippot, fun to film the police officers during the search, and was delighted to be able to share these videos on social networks. The hostile attitude of Ms. Le Pen has been proved to be effective, the investigators noted in their report that” having regard to the attitude of Ms. Le Pen, he has been unable to…