resim 1870
resim 1870

Abolition of the regulated tariff and end of the tariff shield on gas, revaluation of the index point for civil servants, change in pay slips… Several elements change at the beginning of the month and in particular this July 1, 2023. Here are the ones.

As of July 1, the regulated gas sales tariff will be abolished. It began to disappear in 2019 in application of European competition regulations, but as of March 31, there remained out of 11 million gas subscribers, no less than 2.5 million residential customers still holding this contract whose most of them with the historical supplier Engie. Despite everything, the consumers concerned will still have access to gas. Indeed, they will switch from July 1 to the “Passerelle offer” set up by Engie.

Applicable from 1 July, the Gateway tariff includes an annual subscription price which depends on consumption and a price per kWh which itself depends on consumption and the municipality of residence. The offer can be canceled free of charge at any time. It is unlimited in duration, but those who decide to leave it will not be able to return to it.

The gas price shield, which limited price increases to 15%, should also disappear, too, on July 1. Market prices, which have been falling for a few weeks, confirm a leveling off that is not necessary. “But in the event that prices increase very sharply, the government has indicated that it may have to set up a price shield again”, as Céline Regnault, director of General Public France at Engie, points out.

This is not the only change at the beginning of the month: the point of index of the civil servants will also know an evolution. What is it ?

The index point for civil servants will be increased by 1.5% from July 1, 2023 for all civil servants, the government announced in mid-June. This revaluation will lead to an increase in the remuneration of some 5.7 million public officials in the country, after the last granted in the summer of 2022 (3.5%). According to the Ministry of the Public Service, an agent who previously received just over 1,700 euros gross per month will now earn an additional 26 euros, in particular thanks to this 1.5% increase in the value of the index point. .

In addition, other important points are set to change at the beginning of the month. Here they are.

A new line will gradually appear on all payrolls from July 1: this is the net social amount. This new sum displayed will correspond to the amount of wages to be declared in order to be able to obtain a right to the RSA as well as to the activity bonus, as specified by Capital.

Another important point of these new features that will come into effect for this first day of July: the repair bonus. Introduced in December 2022, this aid, aimed at encouraging the French to have their electrical and electronic equipment repaired, will be raised once again. For example, it will go from 10 to 20 euros for the maintenance of small appliances and up to 90 euros for computers.