
PETA, also known as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has recently launched a controversial campaign calling for a sex strike against men who eat meat. The organization believes that men need to become vegans in order to save animals and combat climate change. According to PETA, a study from 2021 showed that men contribute significantly more greenhouse gases than women due to their diets.

The campaign includes ads with slogans such as “Don’t Give a F—. Meat is linked to IMPOTENCE and clogs other arteries, too. Join PETA’s sex strike until men stop eating meat. Please, go vegan.” PETA claims that women have the power to influence men’s behavior both in the kitchen and the bedroom, and that by withholding sex from meat-eating partners, they can encourage them to go vegan.

This is not the first time PETA has called for a sex strike. Back in 2022, the organization made a similar plea based on the same study, accusing men of “hurting animals” and “harming the planet.” PETA believes that going vegan is the simplest and healthiest way for men to reduce their carbon footprint and protect the environment for future generations.

While PETA’s campaign has garnered attention, the organization has also faced criticism and mockery in recent years. In November, PETA was fact-checked by X’s Community Notes after posting misleading information about turkeys. The organization claimed that turkeys would never harm humans, but the Community Notes pointed out that turkeys are not vegetarians and actually eat a variety of animals and insects.

Despite the controversy surrounding PETA’s campaigns, the organization remains committed to promoting veganism as a way to protect animals, the environment, and human health. PETA is urging men to take accountability for their actions and make the switch to a plant-based diet for the sake of the planet. Will this sex strike campaign be effective in convincing men to go vegan? Only time will tell.