
Rebecca Grossman, a California philanthropist, has been sentenced to 15 years to life in prison for the hit-and-run murder of two young boys. The tragic incident occurred when Grossman was driving a Mercedes SUV at a speed of over 80 miles per hour and struck and killed Mark Iskander, 11, and his brother Jacob, 8, as they crossed the street in a crosswalk.

During her trial, evidence revealed that Grossman had accelerated to 81 miles per hour just moments before hitting the two children in a 45-mph zone. Witnesses also testified that she appeared to be racing another vehicle driven by her boyfriend at the time, former Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Scott Erickson. Prosecutors stated that Grossman was, at the very least, engaging in a dangerous game of chase with her boyfriend.

Additionally, it was reported that Grossman had consumed alcohol and Valium before getting behind the wheel, impairing her ability to drive safely. Her blood alcohol content was found to be just under the legal limit of .08 percent on preliminary screenings, but subsequent tests showed levels above the limit.

This tragic case serves as a reminder of the devastating consequences of reckless driving and the importance of responsible behavior behind the wheel. The sentencing of Grossman to 15 years to life reflects the severity of her actions and the loss suffered by the families of the two young victims.

It is crucial for all drivers to prioritize safety on the road and refrain from engaging in dangerous behaviors that could result in harm to themselves and others. By making responsible choices while driving, we can help prevent senseless tragedies like the one caused by Rebecca Grossman’s reckless actions.