Shelves filled with papers or offices overwhelmed by piles of documents of all kinds… In both cases, sorting seems to become a necessity.
Nevertheless, the complexity of managing certain health records in principle hinders decluttering. Discard a prescription, yes but when, and in which cases? What about MRIs? What about the public hospital bill? To answer all these questions, Planet has produced the slideshow below, with information from the Public Service site.
Each medical piece is listed there with its minimum shelf life. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be kept longer. It is, on the other hand, a prudent recommendation not to get rid of it immediately.
Because these limitation periods allow its owner to exercise a right, such as obtaining a refund, for example.
In addition, the claim by the state of something, such as a fine, can still arise during this period. The importance of having and providing proof of care is therefore justified. In any case, the possession of the trace of a passage in the health environment, for example the payment of a hospital bill, allows an increased legal protection of the patient.
It is also better to keep the papers of deceased persons. This not only certain debts or claims are transmitted to the beneficiaries during the succession, but social benefits can also be paid after death.
The collection is made during the 5 years from the death. Finally, according to the Pleine Vie media, medical documents such as x-rays, MRIs or scanners can be brought to a medical center or deposited in the recycling center: they are very polluting.