Won’t go, won’t go? 2027 is four years away, but some are preparing now. The next presidential election will not be like the last two, since Emmanuel Macron is not entitled to stand for a new term. Who will be his dolphin in the face-to-face party? Will he be appointed by the president himself or will he impose himself by force of opinion?
According to an Ifop poll for Paris Première, several personalities could rally their camp, both on the right and on the left of the political spectrum. Here they are on the right.
And for the left?
For the French people questioned by Ifop, Edouard Philippe is therefore the political figure most likely to bring together voters for the presidential election of 2027. Is the former Prime Minister thinking of the Elysée? One of his relatives has just made revelations.
After Matignon during Emmanuel Macron’s first term, does Edouard Philippe visit the gilding of the Elysée? Asked by Public Sénat on Friday April 21, MEP Gilles Boyer, close to the founder of Horizons, confided: “Four years from a deadline, there is always a doubt, but what Edouard Philippe often says is is that it is never useless to prepare and therefore he prepares”.
The mayor of Le Havre was named France’s favorite political personality in February, according to the Odoxa-Mascaret barometer. With his rating of 41%, he is ahead of Marine Le Pen (35%), Bruno Le Maire (28%), Laurent Wauquiez (15%). Has the first round of the presidential election already been played?
Preparing yes, but to what extent? Questioned by Public Senate, Gilles Boyer explains: “Nobody knows four years from the deadline what will be the major poles and the main lines of division of the presidential election. It is too early to say who could be the candidate of whom. The important thing, I remind you, is to prepare for a campaign which will be difficult. We no longer know what subjects it will focus on. You have to be ready to face everything”.
According to the MEP, “Edouard Philippe has embarked on a work of structuring his political movement Horizons, and of thinking about ideas. He sees a lot of people, he is writing a book”. He adds that it is a “preparatory work” which has only just begun: “Then we will see what the future holds for us”.