
Pressure is building on President Biden as some major Democratic donors are pushing for him to step aside from the race. Despite this, Biden has made it clear that he will not be swayed by their demands. These donors, who have significant financial resources, are now taking action to try and influence Biden’s decision-making.

The donors have launched various initiatives aimed at convincing Biden to withdraw from the race and make way for another candidate. This move highlights a growing divide between the party’s donor base and its current leader. The outcome of this rift could have implications for other Democratic candidates running in the upcoming election.

Despite facing criticism for his recent debate performance, President Biden has reiterated his intention to continue his re-election campaign. However, this has not deterred the donors who believe that he may not be the best candidate to secure a victory in November. Some donors are even considering setting up a fund of up to $100 million, known as the Next Generation PAC, to support an alternative candidate if Biden refuses to step down.

Supporters of potential replacements, such as Vice President Kamala Harris, are already positioning themselves for a potential candidacy. On the other hand, some donors are threatening to withhold their financial support not only from Biden but also from other Democratic groups unless he agrees to withdraw from the race.

The growing pressure on President Biden from these major Democratic donors underscores the challenges he faces within his own party. As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how Biden will navigate this internal conflict and whether he will ultimately decide to stay in the race or make way for a different candidate.