
A recent public opinion poll conducted by AP-NORC has shed light on how American adults perceive Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump in terms of honesty, as well as their ability to handle key issues such as the economy and immigration. The survey, which sampled 1,164 adults, revealed that a significant portion of respondents consider Harris to be more honest than Trump. Approximately 40% of those surveyed described Harris as “honest,” compared to only 24% who attributed this trait to Trump.

Furthermore, the poll indicated that a similar percentage of respondents view Harris as someone who “cares about people like you,” with about 4 in 10 holding this belief compared to around 3 in 10 for Trump. These findings suggest that Harris has an advantage over Trump in terms of being seen as a compassionate and trustworthy individual by the American public.

However, when it comes to handling critical issues such as the economy and immigration, the poll results paint a different picture. While a plurality of respondents trust Harris more on honesty, Trump appears to have a slight edge when it comes to economic matters. According to the Associated Press, 45% of those surveyed believe Trump is better equipped to manage the economy, compared to 38% who feel the same way about Harris. A similar disparity was observed in the realm of immigration, where Trump garnered more trust from the respondents.

Interestingly, independent voters emerged as a key demographic in this poll, with nearly twice as many expressing confidence in Trump’s ability to handle economic issues compared to Harris. This finding underscores the importance of appealing to independent voters, who often play a crucial role in determining the outcome of elections.

Despite these challenges in the areas of the economy and immigration, Harris holds a notable advantage over Trump in other policy areas. The poll revealed that Harris is perceived as more capable of addressing issues related to race and racial inequality, abortion policy, and health care. Roughly half of U.S. adults believe Harris would do a better job than Trump in handling these critical issues, with Democrats, independents, and women showing particularly strong support for Harris on the issue of abortion policy.

In terms of enthusiasm for Harris’s potential presidency, the poll results indicate a significant shift from the sentiments expressed towards President Joe Biden during his candidacy. Two-thirds of Democrats expressed excitement at the prospect of Harris being elected, a stark contrast to the lukewarm reception Biden received in a previous poll. This shift in enthusiasm reflects the evolving dynamics within the Democratic Party and the changing perceptions of its leaders among the American public.


Perceptions of Honesty: Harris vs. Trump

The poll results reveal a stark contrast in how American adults perceive the honesty of Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. While Harris is viewed as more trustworthy by a significant portion of respondents, Trump’s credibility lags behind.

Competing Visions on the Economy and Immigration

When it comes to handling key issues such as the economy and immigration, Harris and Trump present competing visions to the American public. While Harris excels in areas like honesty and compassion, Trump maintains an edge in economic matters.

Policy Strengths and Weaknesses: Harris vs. Trump

The poll highlights the policy strengths and weaknesses of Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. While Harris is preferred on issues like race, abortion, and health care, Trump’s advantage lies in his handling of the economy and immigration.

Overall, the AP-NORC poll provides valuable insights into the public’s perceptions of Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. As the political landscape continues to evolve, these findings offer a glimpse into the factors shaping public opinion and influencing voter preferences in the upcoming elections.