The Order of Flemish bar associations (OVB) has launched on Tuesday a campaign to raise awareness of the right to a defence and to a fair trial, now that the voices in social media, more and more the role of a judge and a lawyer over it. “The online awareness campaign will be in the times of free of convictions, on social media, to draw attention to the value and strength of our centuries-old justice system, on the basis of a fair trial for all, what it sounds like.
When it is not only joe, but also to policy-makers, often without hesitation, and without a lot of resistance, may be guilty of the unfair rules of procedure, on social media, it is a warning, according to the COUNCIL.
In an online video, which will be available starting Tuesday, is widely spread, therefore, is a “Social Measure” to be displayed, a 3D-printed artificial ‘intelligence’ right. He will pass it on, pulling his judgement on the defendants, on the basis of what people write on social media. One of the men who terechtstaat for robbery and assault and battery, told the judge: “In a car, fuel it and burn it.”
“With its online awareness-raising campaign like we have in the coming weeks to draw attention to the importance of one of the most important foundations of our precious democratic system that every citizen always has the right to a defense by a third party and a partisan advocate, with no difference. There is also an impartial judge,” said COUNCIL spokesman Hugo Lamon. “What you see today on social media is reading in the news about certain of the legal proceedings is far removed from those basic principles. It is, therefore, more than ever, the need for reflection and debate.”
The policy will also have the unique role of the lawyer, say it once again. “As a lawyer, a trial, and in society in general, have a unique role to play, he advises and defends his client, and he can go against the prejudices of the public, or the government, no arrears on penalties to worry about. In addition, he will see to it that it is the law for everybody,” says Lamon.
as a Lawyer, Paul Bekaert confirms that it is the public experiencing will become more and more and wantrouwiger is the opposite of the bearers of the authority. However, the increased interest of the individual, the court may also be viewed as a positive to be seen. “The judiciary should not interference and defense, but should continue to work on our communication with and respect for the rights of the defence, and it is a secret of the investigation. Also in an intelligible human language learning and use is essential,” he says.
in Addition to the campaign, organised in COUNCIL on the 28th of september, in the assisenzaal of the court of appeal of Ghent, in the debate, “Facebook vs. Code: case-law, in the times of social media. For more info, see a socialmediajudge.
More on the Order of Flemish bar associations, It is bovenarms between the Flemish lawyers, and Theo Francken: “He’s got his work done,” Toprechter that only the French know it, to put the evil blood, “Supplier”, “New ICT-based system for attorneys is in fact safe,” Francken pulls sharply to the Order of the Flemish bar council (ovb