
Patty Morin, the mother of Rachel Morin, who was tragically raped and murdered by an undocumented migrant, expressed her frustration and disappointment with President Biden’s handling of the nation’s border crisis. In an emotional interview with Fox News Digital, Patty criticized the administration for ignoring the immigration problems that have resulted in the loss of innocent lives like her daughter’s.

Rachel Morin, a mother of five, was brutally attacked and killed by Victor Martinez Hernandez, a suspected gang member from El Salvador who entered the country illegally. The devastating loss of her daughter has left Patty in psychological distress, describing it as having a candle blown out, extinguishing the light in her life and many others across America.

The tragic case of Rachel Morin is just one of many incidents that have highlighted the urgent need for immigration reform and border security. Recent reports of violent crimes committed by undocumented immigrants have sparked fear and concern among the public, with incidents ranging from murder to assault.

During Martinez Hernandez’s court appearance, prosecutors detailed the brutal assault on Rachel, painting a harrowing picture of the events that led to her untimely death. Patty, along with other family members, expressed their overwhelming emotions as they saw the face of the accused killer on the courtroom screen.

Martinez Hernandez’s history of violence and criminal activities in his home country and the United States underscores the importance of vetting individuals entering the country. Patty emphasized the need for proper screening and vetting procedures to ensure the safety and security of all Americans.

Despite her grief and pain, Patty also highlighted the lack of attention and concern shown by President Biden’s administration towards victims of crimes committed by undocumented migrants. She contrasted this with former President Trump’s genuine concern and outreach following Rachel’s death, illustrating a stark difference in approach and empathy.

As a mother who has experienced an unimaginable loss, Patty’s plea for justice and accountability resonates with many who share her concerns about the current state of immigration policies and border security. The tragic story of Rachel Morin serves as a poignant reminder of the human cost of unchecked immigration and the need for meaningful reforms to prevent further tragedies.