
Timothy Mellon, a wealthy heir and railroad magnate, has become a major supporter of Donald J. Trump, investing millions in his campaign. Mellon’s motivations and what he expects in return remain a mystery to many.

While Mellon is known for his significant financial contributions to Trump and other political figures, he is also linked to a curious incident known as the Narragansett Runestone Affair in Rhode Island. The incident involved the disappearance of a large boulder with Viking inscriptions that was a local attraction.

During a criminal investigation, witnesses reported hearing sounds of heavy machinery near the site of the missing rock. Mellon, who resided in the area, hired legal representation and remained silent throughout the process. Ultimately, he agreed to return the stone, and charges were not filed against him.

This rare glimpse into Mellon’s private life sheds light on his public persona as a major political donor. Despite his reclusive nature, Mellon has emerged as a significant player in American politics, surprising many with the scale of his financial contributions.

In addition to supporting Trump’s presidential bid, Mellon has also backed Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent campaign with a substantial donation. His total contributions to federal candidates and political committees since 2020 amount to $227 million, predominantly to Republican causes.

Mellon’s financial support places him among the top donors in the Republican Party, alongside more well-known figures like Miriam Adelson, Sheldon Adelson, and Liz and Dick Uihlein. His influence in political circles is undeniable, despite his preference for privacy in other aspects of his life.

As Mellon continues to invest in political campaigns, the motivations behind his substantial contributions remain a subject of speculation and intrigue. His connections to both business and politics make him a figure to watch in the realm of American influence and power.