social media is a video tour of two Dutch drivers, who have a very collegial to. Riding was the one driver on the highway, have a cup of tea and give it to the other side of the window. A very dangerous piece of cake that will be happy with the successful run, and they are also hard and were able to laugh at it.
< / P>see also:
of the Truck to escape, but just on a covered board, and also the car should be lucky
How can I do that? Truck crashes into power pole… and it is, in part, on the roof of the house
Motorcyclist escapes to get a lot worse when he was in the vicinity of a large truck suddenly to the ground going to:
More about that by any chance? Hooligan’s is going to be completely crazy: a man was arrested after his blow out on a horse from the police, ‘Pakjesbezorger’ calls for inside the house, binding the family and then there is safe off ‘Stranded’ Greta Thunberg react very emotionally in the ON video and the internet wins, Johnson will get them laughing at the matter with a bizarre Brexitvergelijking