
With the rise of online scams, it’s no surprise that hackers are now cloning Facebook accounts to deceive people. Facebook cloning involves hackers using your photos, name, and information to create fake profiles. These cloned accounts then reach out to your friends and family, asking for money or personal information.

If you find out that your Facebook account has been cloned, there are steps you can take to minimize the consequences. First, notify your friends and family immediately and ask them not to accept friend requests from the cloned account. Encourage as many people as possible to report the cloned account by following the steps provided.

It’s important to remember that having your account cloned doesn’t necessarily mean it’s hacked. Check your account settings to see if anyone has unauthorized access before taking further action. To prevent Facebook cloning, consider making your Friend List private and adjusting your privacy settings for photos and information.

While it’s challenging to prevent someone from cloning your account, staying vigilant and keeping your personal information private can help. By following best practices for online security and communicating with your social network, you can protect yourself from falling victim to these scams. Remember that hackers are always looking for new ways to exploit people, so staying informed and alert is crucial.

If you have experienced Facebook cloning or received a friend request from a cloned account, share your story with us at For more tech tips and security alerts, subscribe to the free CyberGuy Report Newsletter at Stay connected with Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson on social media and get answers to commonly asked tech questions.

As technology continues to evolve, it’s essential to remain proactive in safeguarding your online presence. By taking simple steps to secure your accounts and educate yourself about potential threats, you can stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. Remember to stay informed, stay alert, and stay safe online.