
Ann Lurie, a former hippie turned prominent philanthropist, passed away at the age of 79. She was known for her generous donations, including a $100 million gift to the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, where she had previously worked as a pediatric nurse.

Ann, who was raised by a single mother in Miami, was an only child who protested against the Vietnam War during her college years. Despite marrying Chicago real estate titan Robert Lurie, she always felt uncomfortable with the privileges that came with wealth. After Robert’s passing in 1990 due to colon cancer, Ann continued his philanthropic legacy by donating a significant portion of his estate to various causes.

One of her most notable contributions was to Northwestern University, where she served as a trustee and donated over $60 million. The university’s cancer center was endowed by Ann and Robert Lurie, leading to the establishment of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University.

Throughout her life, Ann Lurie remained committed to giving back to her community and beyond. Her legacy as a compassionate and dedicated philanthropist will continue to inspire others to make a positive impact in the world.