
As the Republicans gather in Milwaukee for their convention, they are not the only ones making their presence known. Thousands of left-leaning protesters are also expected to march outside the official meeting site, voicing their opposition to the Republican platform and nominee, Donald J. Trump.

Organizers estimate that up to 5,000 people will join the Coalition to March on the R.N.C. 2024, with over 120 groups coming together for a march and rally in downtown Milwaukee. The intensity and interest in the protests have grown in recent weeks, with concerns about President Biden’s age and acuity fueling the sense of urgency among activists.

The protesters are rallying around a variety of issues, including objections to the United States’ support of Israel, the increase in abortion bans in Republican-led states, and immigration policies that restrict entry for migrants. Additionally, many are advocating for police accountability, as well as protections for the L.G.B.T.Q. community.

One of the key goals of the protest is to bring together activists from different groups on the left and strengthen their connections. Alan Chavoya, from the Milwaukee branch of the Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, emphasized the importance of increasing the number of activists and building solidarity among various organizations.

The upcoming protest is not focused on a single issue but rather encompasses a wide range of causes that have mobilized activists to take to the streets of Milwaukee. The diverse range of concerns highlights the depth of opposition to the Republican agenda and the desire for change among those participating in the protest.

In the midst of the political fervor surrounding the Republican National Convention, the protesters are determined to make their voices heard and push for a more inclusive and just society. The convergence of Republicans and protesters in Milwaukee sets the stage for a clash of ideologies and a display of civic engagement that is fundamental to the democratic process.