
A skier in Colorado was rescued by two off-duty ski patrol members after falling over 1,000 feet while attempting to descend South Arapaho Peak. The incident occurred on Sunday, June 16, around 10:30 a.m., when the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office received a call about a skier who had sustained serious injuries in the Skywalker Couloir area.

Andrew Hildner, the PIO for the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group (RMRG), described the call as very serious from the beginning, given the steep fall in Skywalker Couloir. The skier, a 47-year-old man, had fallen while skiing the couloir, sliding and tumbling down before coming to a stop on a rock ledge.

Fortunately, two off-duty snow patrol members were in the area, witnessed the fall, and quickly called 911. Emilie Jue, an RMRG technical field team leader, was among the first responders on the scene. She located the injured skier and provided initial aid, noting that the skier had fallen to a bench of hawks, indicating significant injuries.

Skywalker Couloir is considered advanced terrain, suitable for expert skiers. Hildner and Jue emphasized the difficulty level of the area, noting that it is beyond a double black diamond run typically found at ski resorts. The late ski season can present additional challenges due to changing conditions.

The rescue operation, spanning over 10 hours, involved flying in RMRG medical personnel by helicopter to provide further medical care to the skier. He was placed in a full body vacuum splint for transport and airlifted to a local high school before being transferred to a hospital by ambulance. Despite sustaining serious injuries, the skier remained stable throughout the incident.

Hildner highlighted the fact that search and rescue operations in Colorado are provided free of charge, urging individuals not to hesitate in calling 911 for assistance. He also advised skiers to be well-prepared with the right gear, inform someone of their plans, and consider carrying a satellite phone for communication in areas with limited cell service.

In conclusion, the successful rescue of the skier on South Arapaho Peak serves as a reminder of the importance of preparedness and quick action in challenging terrains. The collaborative efforts of the rescue team and off-duty patrol members were instrumental in ensuring the skier’s safety and well-being.