
Miranda July’s newest novel, “All Fours,” has sparked a wave of intrigue and discussion among women over 40. The story follows a 45-year-old woman who shakes up her settled life by engaging in an open marriage and exploring her true desires.

The protagonist’s journey of self-discovery and sexual awakening has prompted real-life conversations among women who have read the book. They are sharing their own hidden fantasies and frustrations, inspired by the character’s bold choices.

For many women like Caitlin Delohery, the novel has struck a chord, especially those in long-term relationships. They are not looking to escape their partnerships but rather seeking ways to create space within monogamy for individual experiences.

The themes of “All Fours” have resonated with readers who are questioning the traditional norms of marriage and family life. It has sparked a dialogue about different possibilities for relationships and the importance of exploring one’s desires.

Overall, Miranda July’s novel has opened up a space for women to reflect on their own relationships and consider new ways of approaching intimacy and fulfillment. It serves as a catalyst for honest conversations and self-discovery among readers who are seeking a deeper connection with themselves and their partners.