On Monday December 12, 2022, i.e. only 3 days before the date scheduled for the presentation of the pension reform, the President of the Republic Emanuel Macron announced the postponement of the said presentation. It should therefore finally be held on Tuesday, January 10, 2023. For Emmanuel Macron, the stakes are high: he had made pension reform one of his main battlegrounds during his first presidential campaign.
He had not managed to put it in place during his first five-year term, so the pressure is all the stronger now, following his re-election. The executive justifies this postponement of the presentation of the reform by the fact that the last round of negotiations can thus end in peace.
The main measure that guides the reforming force of the Borne government is the raising of the legal retirement age. According to the initial objectives, the postponement was to take place at the age of 65. After several rounds of negotiations, a rollback to just 64 also seems to be on the cards. We also know that some elements will remain unchanged. In particular, the early departure of people with disabilities, incapacity, and asbestos workers, the terms of which will not change.
The automatic haircut cancellation age will likely remain the same at 67. One of the innovations envisaged in this famous reform is a system aimed at promoting the employment of seniors. The establishment of an index of senior employees by company, making it possible to reward or penalize said company if it employs “too many” or not enough seniors, could see the light of day.
Pending the official presentation of the reform at the beginning of next year, certain changes for 2023 concerning the pension system have already been recorded. Find below the 5 things that will change next year.