Paid by the corresponding pension funds, the Solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa) is a monthly benefit, which concerns retirees with low resources and living in France. Its amount therefore depends on your family situation and includes 582,000 beneficiaries in 2022. It is an amount allocated for people who have not contributed enough to pension schemes. Is it taken into account in the calculation of the retirement pension?
The Aspa is financed by the State, and not by social contributions: it acts as a social minimum, in the same way as the RSA. This allowance is open to anyone aged at least 65 whose gross monthly resources are less than 961.08 euros, if you live alone, or 1,492.08 euros, if you live as a couple. The income taken into account to arrive at this sum is that of the last three months before the payment of the allowance. The age of access is also lowered to 62 years for veterans, deportees, internees or prisoners of war, as well as disabled people.
To benefit from the Aspa, you must have applied for all of your pension rights. From then on, the amount collected is paid in addition to the retirement pensions that you have previously requested. If you meet the conditions for obtaining the minimum contribution, this has automatically been calculated by your retirement pension. While the pension reform must be implemented on September 1, it is possible that the increase in the minimum contributory could lead to an upcoming drop in your Aspa total.