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resim 200

5.4 billion euros. A sum large enough to make the majority of French people dizzy. And that some of these could theoretically recover. Not in full, of course, but it is an amount that collectively belongs to the holders of retirement savings. Many contracts have been forgotten by their beneficiaries and, cumulatively, the “lost” amounts represent a lot of money.

Fortunately for savers who tend to keep their heads in the clouds, there is now a new tool to help them find their money, says La Dépêche. This was set up at the beginning of July 2022 on the official portal, which allows you to find out about your rights upon cessation of activity.

In fact, our colleagues specify, savers over 62 had lost sight of some 10.6 billion euros in 2018. After 65, the amount abandoned on dormant contracts drops to 5.4 billion euros. euros and it drops to 1.8 billion among the over 70s. In any case, it’s a hell of a sum that can change everyone’s life.

To recover the money that is potentially due to you, you must connect to the platform or go through the My retirement account application. From there, it is possible to click on the tab entitled “My retirement savings accounts”, which lists all the investments in your name.