When you retire, it is essential to declare the amount of your pension to the tax authorities. In this way, your tax return can be pre-filled in advance. To further simplify your procedures, your Retirement Insurance directly transmits the amount of your income received, i.e. the taxable pension paid to you. Should this amount be declared net or gross?
In order to find the amount declared to the tax authorities, you can log on to your personal space, present on the Assurance Retraite website. The online service “Consult the amount declared to the tax authorities” will allow you to access your taxable pension amount. If you are taxable, your pension is subject to income tax deduction at source, according to the rate communicated by the tax authorities. This rate was normally given to you during your online tax return. It also appears on your tax notice.
Many retirees wonder about the declaration of their resources. Should it be net or gross? In the event that you see two amounts appear, you must enter the gross amount of your resources, i.e. the one specified before deduction of social security contributions, social security contributions and taxes. You can tell if an amount is gross or net based on the statement next to the amount in question. Be vigilant about the rates of social security contributions on retirement pensions which can reach 10.1%.