resim 29
resim 29

The Head of State has multiplied promises to retirees. During the in-between rounds, when he was facing Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron notably undertook to revalue retirement pensions and index them to inflation. The latter, estimated at 5.8% in June 2022 by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee), eats into the wallets of all French people. In practice, however, the increase in the amount of pensions will be less strong: it has been set at 4% within the framework of the purchasing power bill, which Planet has had the opportunity to speak about on more than one occasion. from now on.

This boost, which remains welcome, only concerns pensions from the general scheme. Therefore, this means that supplementary pensions, which do not depend on the State, are not concerned. This state of affairs was not without worrying some: the civil servants. Many of the former civil servants wondered, anxious to know if they too would benefit from the planned revaluation… or if they should be content with that of the index point, set at 3.5%. The Minister of Transformation and Public Service returned to this uncertainty, says Capital.

In this case, explains the CFDT, this concern results from the schedule of payments relating to retirement from the public service. The last gross salary received is used as the basis for calculating the retirement of civil servants… and the revaluation is supposed to apply to the pension received the previous month, specifies Capital.

In fact, some civil servants will benefit from the revaluation of pensions, others from that of the index point. “Civil servants who retired until June 1, 2022, including disability pensions, will benefit from the 4% revaluation for their July pension but will not be affected by the revaluation of the index point”, indicates the CFDT after meeting with the Minister’s teams. Those leaving in August will face the opposite situation.