
Fox News Digital recently had a conversation with independent presidential candidate RFK Jr. at FreedomFest in Las Vegas. During the interview, he touched on various topics like his campaign viability, the COVID pandemic, immigration policy, and criticized both the Trump and Biden administrations for their handling of civil liberties and the Justice Department.

Although Kennedy is trailing behind Trump and Biden in the polls, he remains optimistic about the momentum of his campaign. He highlighted that recent national polls showed him with a growing percentage of support, beating both Trump and Biden among independents and those under 35. However, he acknowledged that he struggles to appeal to Baby Boomers who rely on mainstream media sources.

Kennedy has been vocal in his criticism of both the Trump and Biden administrations’ response to the pandemic, stating that they both infringed upon civil liberties. He emphasized the importance of teaching civics in schools to uphold the Constitution and safeguard civil rights.

Regarding border security, Kennedy expressed his commitment to securing the southern border and advocated for completing the missing gaps in the wall, making personnel changes, and implementing regulatory adjustments to prevent illegal immigration effectively.

He also highlighted the need for a comprehensive immigration policy that offers a fast track to citizenship for legal migrants while preventing illegal entry, particularly by criminal elements like the Sinaloan drug cartel.

In terms of foreign policy, Kennedy pledged to end the Ukraine War promptly and negotiate a peace agreement with Putin. He criticized the Biden administration for undermining previous peace negotiations with Russia, leading to a prolonged conflict.

When it comes to healthcare, Kennedy aims to address the chronic disease epidemic, which he believes is the root cause of the healthcare crisis in the US. He plans to reform the mission of the NIH to focus on improving health outcomes rather than catering to the pharmaceutical industry.

Kennedy also condemned the weaponization of the Justice Department by both Democrats and Republicans for political gain. He stressed the importance of ensuring that justice remains blind and neutral to restore public trust in the system.

Having a strong connection to Latin America, Kennedy advocated for a non-interventionist approach in the region, emphasizing the need for partnership and cooperation rather than interference. He credited his father and uncle’s policies for appealing to the poor in Latin America and highlighted the negative consequences of past US interventions in the region.

Overall, RFK Jr. presents a unique perspective on various issues affecting American democracy and foreign relations, positioning himself as a candidate who prioritizes civil liberties, border security, healthcare reform, and non-interventionist foreign policy.