
Michael Chesebro, a 63-year-old former paratrooper, woke up every morning in pain from his military injuries and ranching accidents. He found solace and community in Patriot Party News, a far-right media platform that offered a sense of belonging and camaraderie to its members.

The company was founded by Warren Armour, a conservative businessman, and quickly gained popularity by promoting conspiracy theories and alternative narratives about topics like election fraud and vaccine safety. Michael paid a monthly fee to access the platform’s audio channel, where he could engage with like-minded individuals and discuss their shared beliefs.

Spending up to 12 hours a day listening to the channel, Michael found comfort in the company of fellow patriots who reinforced his views on politics and current events. The group shared information, recipes, and prayers, creating an echo chamber that validated their extremist ideologies.

In a time of political division and social unrest, platforms like Patriot Party News provided a space for individuals like Michael to feel heard and understood. While some may question the validity of the information shared on these platforms, for Michael and others, it offered a sense of purpose and connection in a tumultuous world.