
Rogers announces ‘Bring Stanley Home’ customer contest

In a thrilling announcement today, Rogers Communications revealed their latest initiative to engage hockey fans across Canada. The telecommunications giant has launched the ‘Bring Stanley Home’ customer contest, offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for one lucky winner to host the iconic Stanley Cup trophy in their own home.

This exciting contest comes on the heels of the NHL playoffs, where the Montreal Canadiens emerged victorious as the 2024 Stanley Cup champions. As hockey fever sweeps the nation, Rogers is tapping into the excitement by giving fans the chance to get up close and personal with the most coveted prize in the sport.

“We are thrilled to launch the ‘Bring Stanley Home’ contest and provide our customers with a unique and unforgettable experience,” said Sarah Davis, Chief Marketing Officer at Rogers Communications. “Hockey holds a special place in the hearts of Canadians, and we wanted to create a special moment that celebrates our passion for the game.”

To enter the contest, Rogers customers simply need to visit the company’s website and sign up for a chance to win. The lucky winner will not only have the opportunity to host the Stanley Cup in their home for a day but will also receive a VIP experience, including a meet-and-greet with a hockey legend and exclusive memorabilia.

This contest has already generated buzz among hockey fans and sports enthusiasts alike, with many taking to social media to share their excitement. As the ‘Bring Stanley Home’ contest gains momentum, all eyes are on Rogers Communications and the unforgettable experience they are set to deliver to one lucky winner.

As the countdown to the grand prize announcement begins, hockey fans across Canada are eagerly awaiting the chance to make history and bring the Stanley Cup home. Will you be the lucky winner to hoist the cup in your own living room? Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to join in on the excitement with Rogers Communications.

In conclusion, the ‘Bring Stanley Home’ customer contest by Rogers Communications is set to make waves in the hockey community, offering a unique opportunity for fans to connect with the sport they love. With the chance to host the iconic Stanley Cup trophy in their own home, one lucky winner will create memories to last a lifetime. Don’t miss your shot to be a part of this historic event – enter the contest today and be a part of hockey history!