Room 67 million from the white rage but to risk a shut down Totally irresponsible
Room 67 million from the white rage but to risk a shut down Totally irresponsible

in The Room, with a narrow majority, an amendment of the LABOUR party, approved of, and that is 67 million euro will be reserved in order to cater to the ‘white rage’. “There is a need for structural measures but the emergency fund is to provide you with a little bit of oxygen, and the nurses are under pressure as well and are likely to continue,” says the leader of Raoul Hedebouw. The proposal was supported by Ecological, Green, P.S., Regional Interests and POLICIES.A.

Only the results of that maneuver to be a lot of misery in the operation of the federal government. The Room had to be the provisional-twelfths arrangements had to approve it in november or december, so that the nation without a budget, you can continue to run. The government should take a month, one-twelfth of the budget of the previous year. Now, that piece of legislation back to zero to start all over again, and it will be the only one on the 31st of October, so at the last minute, and the green light to turn on. If not, then it will go to the funding tap for a large part very close. And that would be an unwelcome first.

“Totally irresponsible,” said Open VLD party leader: Egbert Lachaert. “That the provisional-twelfths arrangements had to serve in order to keep things going, not to start a new policy in force. If this is the way to play it, hypothekeer the running of the country.”

for More about Federal-budget-Europe-tap, Belgium, the first for us is “bad homework” the Government should budget in the european parliamentary Committee adopts noodbegroting for the last two months the Government Places will not have a budget for submission to the European Commission: “This is the work”