SBB check for cars with mask duty
SBB check for cars with mask duty

Customer survey launched – the SBB check for cars with mask pflichtdie rail wants to know whether she’s losing because of the lack of mask duty customers. To do this, you will start a survey. The idea has a catch.oli/sda18 Kommentare18Ein man with a mask on the way to the train at the train station in St. Gallen.Photo: Gian Ehrenzeller/Keystone

The SBB, the openness of their clientele to determine to an introduction of individual cars, with the mask duty of each train. With the survey of the Railway company wants to make a more accurate picture of the effects of the Corona-crisis on the mobility behaviour.

This would then be derived, at most, possible measures, such as the behavior of the people could be changed, and the demand again rises, confirmed to SBB speaker Raphael Hirt at the request of the news Agency Keystone-SDA, a report of the views. The survey in the case of a three-digit number of SBB-regular customers over since Wednesday. Results and trends there is no. (Read also: Swiss want masks on the train, but not in the office)

No confusion

A question relates to a very concrete single car with a mask duty of each train. The customer will be asked if you would travel in comparison to the current mask recommendation less often or more often by rail, if there would be such an offer with wear obligation. Also, the question of a General mask duty in SBB trains is provided in the survey.

“We want to make a clear picture and feeling for pulse, which employs the people,” said shepherd. On a result, he did not want to speculate. The SBB would not act alone. Firstly, it is dependent on the requirements of the Federal government. On the other hand, rules of Conduct and measures should ideally be for the entire public TRANSPORT sector is valid, otherwise the pins in the users confusion.

Union rejects idea

The trade Union of transport personnel (SEV) rejects the idea and calls for a General mask of duty. The SBB would think the proposal only to customers, but not to the staff, the controls in all the car had to perform, said SEV-Vice-President Barbara Spalinger, compared to Radio SRF.

the mask-wearers are in the fullest currently in a very small minority. In the case of the protection rule, there is a need for another Effort, had granted to the new CEO of the SBB, Vincent Ducrot before the week’s deadline, after the railway was operating again been significantly raised. One of these safety rules is to wear: “masks, when many travelers are in the trains.”

the end of April, had presented to the SBB and Postbus to your protection concept. You recommend in trains and buses urgently require a hygiene mask, if the distance of two meters can not be met. In addition, only necessary trips are to compete and peak times to avoid if possible.

a woman with A hygiene mask is running along the platform at the train station Locarno.Photo: Ti-Press/Keystone0 comment please Login to comment