
The first day of the 2024 SBC Annual Meeting in Indianapolis has come to a close, with nearly 10,900 messengers in attendance as of June 11.

During the meeting, the Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force discussed a new prevention and response curriculum for churches, which can be accessed online at The Task Force expressed gratitude to the messengers for approving its recommendations, aiming to support ongoing reform efforts.

One significant decision made by the messengers was to disaffiliate with First Baptist Church Alexandria in Virginia, with over 90 percent of the vote. The church’s belief that a woman can be “biblically qualified to fill the senior pastor position” was a key factor in this decision.

Additionally, all four recommendations put forth by the Cooperation Group were accepted by the messengers. This group, established last year, focuses on promoting “friendly cooperation of faith and practice” among SBC churches, emphasizing fidelity to the bible, clarity of mission, and unity in cooperation.

The Great Commission Resurgence Evaluation Task Force presented recommendations aimed at strengthening collaboration between NAMB and state conventions, increasing transparency and accountability in financial matters, prioritizing church planting in underserved areas, and enhancing evangelism strategies and resources for local churches.

Three motions introduced during the meeting will be voted on by messengers on June 12. These motions include one to dissolve the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, another concerning the review of decisions at the North American Mission Board, and a third motion to censure three SBC leaders.

For more in-depth coverage and updates on the 2024 SBC Annual Meeting, you can visit Stay tuned for further developments and decisions from the ongoing meeting.