During the match, they held up a banner with the artist Gigi D’Agostino and sang the song L’Amour Tourjour, which has been banned by UEFA. So far, the Hungarian team has been known mainly for its defeats. It is therefore reasonable to believe that their fans want to attract attention in other ways.

During the fan march on Wednesday, June 19th in Stuttgart, thousands of Hungarian fans roared from the Stuttgart city center to the stadium. Before the game against Germany, the questionable fans dressed in black cheered on their team with loud roars. They also hooted the song banned by UEFA and the Stuttgart organizers and repeatedly hoisted a banner by the artist with the request: Free Gigi.

Gigi D’Agostino’s 2001 party hit L’Amour Toujour seems to be well suited to racist slogans. Since October 2023, 30 cases have been counted in which right-wing slogans were sung to the textless chorus. The most prominent case, however, occurred on the Whitsun weekend in Kampen on Sylt.

Bavaria then banned the song from being played at the Oktoberfest. UEFA and the organizers of the European Championships in Stuttgart and at the Brandenburg Gate also removed the song from their playlists.

The Hungarian fans, however, did not care about the ban. They sang the melody of the song several times, thereby expressing their attitude towards the ban in Germany. The fan group is considered extremely radical. Since 2016, they have repeatedly attracted attention through fights in the street and through racist banners.

According to Merkur, the so-called Carpathian Brigade is a paramilitary group of neo-Nazis who want Greater Hungary back. UEFA had already investigated Hungary fans in 2021. They denigrated the French players Kylian Mbappé and Karim Benzema with monkey noises. The active Hungarian fan scene largely agrees politically with their right-wing nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban.