Schroder to AKK election The CDU has made a mistake
Schroder to AKK election The CDU has made a mistake

The former Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) has been shown to be disappointed with the choice Kramp Annegret-cart-Builder for the new CDU-Chairman. “I say to the CDU party chairmanship or nothing but just this: The CDU has an error,” said the SPD-politician at an event of the “trade sheet” in Stuttgart.

Schröder, could have seen instead of Kramp-Karrenbauer dear Friedrich Merz at the head of the Christian Democrats. “Merz had a Chance to be more daring and challenge. Especially, Merz would have been a Chance that the two people’s parties stand out more from each other and the edges of the left and the right is weaker,“ said Schröder, from 1998 to 2005, the German Chancellor. This is not only for the CDU and the SPD, “but for the whole of Germany”.

Nahles has good of cooperation

The SPD chair Andrea Nahles wish Kramp-Karrenbauer, however, “much success”. Already on Friday evening Nahles, the new CDU had congratulated the Chief via Twitter and a good level of cooperation offered. “They come in great footsteps,” wrote Nahles. Now it is necessary to solve problems. “The future of pensions are secure, the value of the work and the cohesion of Europe.”

The positions of Nahles and Kramp-Karrenabauer is expected to be about the question of a ban on Advertising for abortion to be relatively far apart. “We will see how the Union is now positioned,” said Nahles on Sunday at the European conference of delegates of the SPD in Berlin. Although the Amendment of section 219a was “a difficult issue”, you look with optimism into the new week, said the SPD Chairman.

The social Democrats had argued for the abolition of the controversial paragraphs, stated, however, willing to work with your coalition partners a compromise. Kramp-Karrenbauer declined to Change so far.

This Position is also reiterated in the ARD-show “Anne Will”: “The advertising ban must not be abolished.” She wanted to but the Information for women who wanted to be informed of an abortion. The government have a mandate, to submit a proposal. “If this proposal puts on the table, we will evaluate it,” said Kramp-Karrenbauer.