
Senate Republicans have blocked a Democratic attempt to ban bump stocks after the Supreme Court overturned a rule put in place during the Trump administration. Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced plans to push for a vote on legislation to ban bump stocks, which are accessories that make firing weapons more rapid. However, Republican lawmakers are expected to prevent the bill from moving forward.

Schumer expressed his disappointment in the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down the federal rule banning bump stocks, calling it a “pro-death decision.” He emphasized the need for Congress to act quickly to pass legislation banning these devices to prevent further tragedies.

Senator Martin Heinrich, who sponsors the Banning Unlawful Machinegun Parts (BUMP) Act, will request unanimous consent for a vote on the bill. However, it is anticipated that a Republican senator will object to the request, preventing the bill from advancing.

Senator Lindsey Graham has indicated his opposition to any legislative fix regarding bump stocks, suggesting that he may be the one to object to the vote. Schumer urged his Republican colleagues to join Democrats in banning bump stocks to prevent future tragedies like the mass shooting in Las Vegas.

Former President Trump’s campaign emphasized the need to respect the Supreme Court’s decision, despite the backlash from Democrats. The debate over bump stocks continues to highlight the partisan divide on gun control measures in the Senate.

Overall, the ongoing battle over bump stocks underscores the challenges of passing bipartisan legislation on gun control in a divided Congress. The issue remains contentious, with Democrats advocating for stricter regulations while Republicans are hesitant to support additional restrictions on gun accessories.