
Sen. Ted Budd, a Republican from North Carolina, along with 20 other senators, wrote a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas demanding answers about individuals with suspected ties to ISIS who were apprehended at the southern border, vetted, and then released into the United States. The senators expressed concerns about the extreme national security risks posed by the open southern border and emphasized the need to secure the border and prevent such incidents from happening again.

The letter highlighted the recent arrests of eight individuals from Tajikistan suspected of having terror ties to ISIS who crossed the southern border into the U.S. last year and this year. The senators were troubled by reports that one of the arrested individuals was discussing bombs on a wiretap and that federal authorities did not initially detect any ties to ISIS when these individuals entered the U.S.

In addition to the arrests of these individuals, the letter mentioned other recent releases of illegal immigrants on the terrorist watch list into the U.S. The senators requested that DHS provide them with information regarding the identities of the arrested individuals, details about their entry into the U.S., the vetting process they underwent, whether they are part of ISIS or another terrorist group, and if they were planning a terrorist attack or possessed any weapons.

This letter follows a similar one sent by Sen. Jerry Moran to FBI Director Christopher Wray, expressing concern about how the individuals from Tajikistan were released into the U.S. interior after crossing the border illegally. Wray had warned the Senate Appropriations’ subcommittee about the potential for coordinated attacks on American soil by foreign terrorist organizations, calling for increased vigilance and security measures.

The senators who co-signed Sen. Budd’s letter include prominent Republicans such as Thom Tillis, John Thune, Marco Rubio, and Chuck Grassley, among others. The senators requested a briefing from DHS to address their concerns and answer their questions by June 25.

In light of the recent events and the ongoing threats posed by terrorist organizations, it is crucial for the government to take decisive action to protect the country and its citizens. The security of the U.S. borders and the thorough vetting of individuals entering the country are paramount to ensuring national security and preventing potential terrorist attacks. The Biden administration must address these concerns and implement measures to safeguard the nation from external threats.