The district court in Mönchengladbach has found a man guilty of 69 counts of fraud. He robbed a dentist of almost her entire fortune. The 53-year-old invented pitiful stories of severe blows of fate.

A man (53) stole 765,000 euros from a dentist using various lies. He has now been sentenced to seven and a half years in prison. The Mönchengladbach Regional Court found the man, who has multiple previous convictions, guilty of 69 counts of fraud on Tuesday. The confiscation of the stolen sum was also ordered.

The prosecutor had said: “You cheated the woman left and right … and plucked her like a Christmas goose.” The man also had a romantic relationship with the dentist.

The judges were convinced that he had posed as a successful lawyer. The court found that he had talked the woman out of paying a large sum of money over a period of four years by making up pathetic stories about severe blows of fate, thereby financing his lavish lifestyle.

According to the prosecution, the doctor was robbed of almost her entire fortune by constantly telling new lies. Among other things, the defendant faked financial difficulties because of a child who allegedly died in infancy and the treatment of a 13-year-old daughter who was allegedly suffering from serious cancer. He simply squandered the stolen money on luxury goods.

At the start of the trial, the doctor testified that she had met the man in 2017 as an emergency patient. This led to a private contact and a romantic relationship. “He crept into my life as a patient,” the woman reported. Despite all warnings from those around her, she continued to financially support the man, who had apparently fallen into distress through no fault of his own – according to the prosecution, until she could no longer meet her own payment obligations.

The defendant commented on the allegations for the first time on Tuesday. He said that the doctor had known from the beginning that he had no money and ran a workshop.

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