These are scenes that immediately spoil the holiday mood for most normal-thinking people. The Instagram video that Anna Adamyan shared from her holiday in Ibiza is not only emotionally upsetting for the influencer and wife of FC striker Sargis Adamyan (31).

The content is quickly explained: It is – on a smaller scale – an Ibiza version of the Sylt video that went viral at the end of May: Young people demanding “Germany for the Germans” and “Foreigners out” to the melody of the cult hit “L’Amour toujours” by Gigi D’Agostino (56).

In this case, in the four-star hotel where the Adamyan couple wanted to enjoy their summer break with friends, a group of four men shouted xenophobic slogans accompanied by silly laughter. In recent months, there have been similar scandals at numerous escalated parties and celebrations.

In the short clip, the pixelated men can be heard clearly – as can the horrified Anna Adamyan, who is apparently shouting from a balcony above: “Are you out of your mind?!” “Shame on you!” adds a man’s voice.

“How can that be??? The same sh*** just a few weeks later on another island,” Adamyan writes about the video from Wednesday evening: “I am appalled and shocked.” had already pointed out the dangerous consequences of the thoughtlessly shouted Nazi slogans in a comment after the Sylt incident.

At first she considered spreading the incident at all, she reports in a later story. However, in the end her main concern was to draw attention to the scenes in order to counteract the trivialization of the despicable trend.

You can see Anna Adamyan’s Instagram video here:

There is a lot of support for this approach in the comments. Jana Ina Zarrella (47) calls the scenes “disgusting” and writes: “Unfortunately, this happens much more often than we think. We can only raise our children well and be a good role model for them, because these few people are already corrupt.”

The presenter, who also lives in Cologne, is right. The police are receiving more and more reports of similar incidents. And more than one in ten Germans has experienced an incident like the chants on Sylt at least once. This is the result of a representative survey conducted by the opinion research institute YouGov on behalf of the German Press Agency.

Von Béla Csányi (bc)

The original of this article “On holiday in Ibiza: Horrified player’s wife shares “Foreigners out” scandal video” comes from