
Virginia health officials are being quiet about a rare strain of E. coli that caused multiple children to be hospitalized after a visit to Lake Anna over Memorial Day weekend. The father of 8-year-old twins recovering from Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) spoke exclusively to 7News Health and Wellness Reporter Victoria Sanchez. Nate Hiner’s son Chase was released from the hospital, but his daughter Kinsley remains at Children’s National Hospital.

Another 8-year-old boy from a different family is still on dialysis due to complications from STEC that led to hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) and kidney failure. This boy, Carter Long, is receiving treatment at UVA Medical Center. Nate Hiner described the extensive questioning by the Virginia Department of Health, connecting with other affected families online, and the common factor among all impacted families being Lake Anna.

Although the exact number of people affected by STEC is not confirmed, the situation has prompted investigations by various agencies. The Virginia Department of Health, VDH Office of Epidemiology, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, and the water quality committee at Lake Anna are all involved in the case. Despite reaching out for updates, 7News has not received any additional information on the matter.

Dr. Alexandra Yonts, a pediatric infectious disease physician at Children’s National, mentioned that cases of STEC are quite rare, with only one to three cases per 100,000 people each year. The source of the bacteria is being investigated, with the Virginia Department of Health focusing on reports of illnesses following the holiday weekend at the reservoir.

The large lake, popular for camping, boating, and swimming, is also near cattle farms, raising concerns about runoff contaminating the water. Dr. Yonts explained that STEC is commonly associated with animals, particularly cows, and is transmitted through the fecal-oral route. As agencies work to identify the source, Kinsley is showing signs of recovery after a challenging battle with the illness.

Nate described his daughter as lethargic, lacking energy, and lifeless at her sickest point, but he noted that she is now showing positive signs of improvement, with her personality shining through once again. The family, along with others impacted by this health scare, are hoping for answers and solutions to prevent such incidents in the future.